Technical Guidance

The Interim Guidance Notes (IGN) was the first reference document for the design and protection of topside structures against fires and explosions. It was published in 1992 following Phase 1 of the JIP on Blast and Fire Engineering for Topside Structures (BFETS). The FABIG Technical Notes complement and update the IGN. They are widely used throughout the oil and gas industry and are the only available documents that provide step-by-step procedures and worked examples. The IGN and Technical Notes are listed below (FABIG members can download them for free and non-members can contact us to purchase them). Some of the FABIG Technical Notes have also been translated into Chinese, and these versions are also available below.
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FABIG Technical Guidance (English)

TN 14
Design of Low to Medium Rise Buildings against External Explosions
Published in 2018

This Technical Note provides recommendations and advice for the structural design of low to medium rise steel-framed buildings (typically two to five storeys high) subjected to blast action due to external explosions. Such action is often associated with industrial accidents and…

TN 13
Design Guidance for Hydrocarbon Fires
Published in 2014

This Technical Note updates and brings together into a single source the available guidance on fire loading and structural response in fire. In addition, new tabulated guidance on the effect of confinement on jet fires has been included and new elevated temperature material data…

TN 12
Vapour Cloud Development in Over-filling Incidents
Published in 2013

This FABIG Technical Note describes an assessment method for calculating the rate at which the volume of a vapour cloud increases during an overfilling incident. The assessment method also gives the concentration of hydrocarbons within the cloud and provides some guidance on the…

TN 11
Fire Loading and Structural Response
Published in 2010

This Technical Note updates and expands certain aspects of the guidance on fire engineering given in the Interim Guidance Notes, FABIG Technical Notes 1 and 6 and the UKOOA guidance.

TN 10
An Advanced SDOF Model for Steel Members Subject to Explosion Loading: Material Rate Sensitivity
Published in 2007

This Technical Note describes an extension to a sophisticated SDOF model for steel members subject to explosion loading. The previous model accounted for:

  • Generalised support conditions for bending and axial actions; and
  • The catenary effect in axially-restrained members, under…
TN 09
Human Factors Guide
Published in 2006

This Technical Note has been prepared as a 'simple to use' guide to assist the awareness and implementation of the Human Factors in the design and operation of oil and gas facilities both onshore and offshore.

TN 08
Protection of Piping Systems subject to Fires and Explosions
Published in 2005

Techniques for the design of offshore piping to resist explosions have been described in OTO 1999-046 Explosion Loading on Topsides Equipment, Part 1 Treatment of explosion Loads, Response Analysis and Design. FABIG Technical Note 8 seeks to combine this guidance with the design…

TN 07
Simplified Methods for Analysis of Response to Dynamic Loading
Published in 2002

This Technical Note provides a new SDOF model that addresses the first three shortcomings of the BIGGS model, is sophisticated enough to capture the main effects ignored by BIGGS, yet simple enough for practical application in a design office environment. The elastic and elasto-…

TN 06
Design Guide for Steel at Elevated Temperatures and High Strain Rates
Published in 2001

This document gives guidance on available elevated temperature and high strain rate material property data for high strength steels used specifically for offshore structures. The guidance covers the data required to carry out both simplified design checks and advanced nonlinear…

TN 05
Design Guide for Stainless Steel Blast Walls
Published in 1999

This document gives guidance on the design of stainless steel blast walls made from profiled sheeting, including guidance on material behaviour and selection, response to blast loading, design for longitudinal and transverse bending effects, evaluation of plastic deformation…

TN 04
Explosion Resistant Design of Offshore Structures
Published in 1996

Where gas explosions represent a credible risk, platform topsides have to be designed to withstand explosion loading. There are two aspects to consider: firstly loading on the structure and secondly loading and effect on equipment. This technical note deals principally with the…

TN 03
Use of Ultimate Strength Techniques for Fire Resistant Design of Offshore Structures
Published in 1995

A structure subjected to a fire progressively loses its strength until the structure collapses and becomes unusable. Advanced numerical non-linear methods enable to perform ultimate strength analyses whereby progressive failure of members is predicted: this is termed progressive…

TN 02
Explosion Mitigation Systems
Published in 1994
The Interim Guidance Notes cover the subject of explosion in Section 3. Since the publication of the IGN, a greater understanding of explosions was developed. Whilst not invalidating the statements made in the IGN, this allows greater guidance to be given on the applicability of…
TN 01
Fire Resistant Design of Offshore Topside Structures
Published in 1993

Section 4 of the Interim Guidance Notes for the Design and Protection of Topside Structures against Explosion and Fire (IGN) gave design guidance for fire resistance. This technical note is intended to complement that section as follows:

  • In a number of subject area, more…
Interim Guidance Notes for the Design and Protection of Topside Structures against Explosion and Fire
Published in 1992

The 'Interim Guidance Notes for the Design and Protection of Topsides Structures against Explosion and Fire' were issued upon completion of Phase I of the JIP on Blast and Fire Engineering for Topside Structures (BFETS Phase I). These guidelines are based on the state-of-the-art…

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