Technical Meeting | Loss of Containment and Ignition Modelling for Renewable Technologies Involving Hydrogen, Ammonia and CCS
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For this Technical Meeting, FABIG is partnering with the consortium of the SAFEN Joint Industry Project (Phase 1), the results of which will be presented in detail during this 2-day event. The programme comprises presentations from organisations both within and outside of the SAFEN consortium to provide multiple perspectives. An evening drinks reception will be held at the end of Day 1.
The objective of the SAFEN project is to address current knowledge gaps in relation to renewable technologies involving hydrogen, ammonia and CCS with a view to develop a common framework for risk management enabling cost-efficient safety design across the renewable sector. This Technical Meeting will disseminate the results of Phase 1 of SAFEN (March 2022 - June 2023), which focussed on the driving mechanisms for loss of containment and ignition events and the development of new models for use in risk assessment.
Day 1 of the event (Wednesday 18th October) will start at 9.20am with registation, and an evening drinks reception will be held after the last presentation from 17.00 onwards. Day 2 (Thursday 19th October) will start at 09.15 and will close at 16.00 to allow all delegates to travel in the evening. We are pleased to inform you that the event programme will comprise the following presentations:
Safety management |
The SAFEN JIP - Working together to achieve effective risk-based decision support Linda Fløttum - Safetec |
Newcomer perspective - Why is SAFEN important for us? Henning Henriksen - Gen2Energy |
SAFEN and ammonia safety Ksenia Zakariyya - Yara |
Hydrogen ignition mechanisms and ignition probability |
SAFEN - Literature study on hydrogen and ammonia ignition mechanisms Ørjan Knudsen - Gexcon & Kees Van Wingerden - Vysus Group |
SAFEN - An ignition probability model for hydrogen and ammonia leaks Ingar Fossan - Safetec |
SAFEN - Experimental campaign to close knowledge gaps Kees Van Wingerden - Vysus Group |
A brief history of hydrogen ignitions, and predicting the probability of ignition Mike Moosemiller - BakerRisk |
Ignition mechanisms for high pressure hydrogen technologies Christophe Proust - INERIS |
Loss of containment |
Modelling of loss of containment in SAFEN - A holistic perspective Jo Wiklund - Proactima |
SAFEN loss of containment frequency models for process equipment and storage tanks Ingar Fossan - Safetec |
The SAFEN database - An effort for monitoring of safety and validation of risk models within renewable industry Tom Arne Bakken - DNV |
Leak frequencies for high pressure hydrogen technologies Christophe Proust - INERIS |
The role of task analysis and human reliability analysis in building effective risk models Marius Fernander - DNV |
Part 1: A new model of the frequencies of leaks during the transfer of fuels between transport units and fixed installations Bert Wolting - RIVM |
Part 2: A new model of the frequencies of leaks during the transfer of fuels between transport units and fixed installations John Spouge - Amber Consulting |
Application of current risk models for hydrogen technologies |
Reduced-order risk and consequence modelling for hydrogen and other fuels in HyRAM+ Brian Ehrhart - Sandia National Laboratories |
Detailed comparison of risk calculation results for HyRAM+ and SAFEN models Brian Ehrhart - Sandia National Laboratories & Ingar Fossan - Safetec |
We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming Technical Meeting.
Booking for this event has now closed.
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T: +44 (0) 1344 636 579
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Inner London
United Kingdom
Attendance Fee
FABIG members: Free
Non-members: £500.00
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
We would like to remind you that members of most engineering institutions can count FABIG Technical Meetings as Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Attendance certificates are issued following our events.