HSE CRR 345/2001
Performance indicators for the assessment of emergency preparedness in major accident hazards
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This Contract Research Report develops a framework model of emergency management and applies it to the development of performance indicators for the assessment of emergency preparedness in Major Accident Hazard industries. The research involved visiting 11 major accidents sites in the UK. Data collection consisted of detailed interviews to evaluate site preparedness for dealing with the possibility of an incident. Processes, plans, people and facilities were reviewed. At each site emergency exercises were observed and assessed. The information gathered was compiled into a database and analysed using a seven-point framework for emergency management capability. The data was used to compare the relationship between site preparedness and subsequent level of performance in emergency exercises. Six features were found to be particularly representative of quality of practical performance. These were: senior management commitment; emergency philosophy; emergency management team structure; information management system; exercise regime; and several specific features of team preparedness. The latter included: continuity in membership of emergency teams; training in command and control; competence assurance of emergency managers; and professional coaching of management teams during exercises.
This report and the work it describes were funded by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Its contents, including any opinions and/or conclusions expressed, are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect HSE policy