HSE OTO 2002/016
Framework for assessing human factor capability
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Describes an initial study to develop a means of assessing how capable and mature companies in the offshore industry are in managing the human contribution to safety throughout the procurement and development of offshore platforms and systems . The professional discipline covering this area is known as Human Factors (HF). Is intended to be used principally by HSE inspectors. The framework defines eighteen characteristics each representing a different aspect of HF and linked to a key element of successful health and safety management as defined in HSG65 (Successful health and safety management). Each characteristic has links with recommended HF activities from HSG48 (Reducing error and influencing behaviour) and is aligned with ISO capability models, the Design Safety Maturity model and the Safety Culture Model. Each characteristic is described in relation to the five levels of the capability scale. Proposed links with the UK Health and safety legislation and HSG48 have been identified. Recommendations are made for further development activities. In particular, for the framework to be successfully applied to the offshore industry validation activities should be conducted. This work should seek to ensure that the HF characteristics are valid and complete and that the capability and maturity scale can be simply applied.
This report and the work it describes were funded by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Its contents, including any opinions and/or conclusions expressed, are those of the author(s) alone and do not necessarily reflect HSE policy