HSE RR1046
Corrosion and cleaning of offshore deluge systems
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This report presents the findings of a literature review of the issues surrounding the corrosion of offshore firewater deluge systems as well as inspection and cleaning methodologies which may be used. Contributions of case studies from offshore operators is included, detailing their experiences of corrosion of deluge systems and cleaning methods and maintenance schedules.
The report also includes the findings from corrosion tests performed at HSL on carbon steel coupons immersed in proprietary chemicals used to clean deluge systems and compares these results to corrosion tests carried out in sea water.
The findings of the report were that:
- There was no evidence that cleaning mechanically sound deluge pipework would result in damage to that pipework.
- There was no evidence to suggest that any one cleaning method is more suitable than another.
- Corrosion observed in deluge systems is due to long term exposure to seawater following wet testing.
- Where practical, flushing deluge piping with potable water after wet testing is recommended to removed pooled sea water and salt deposits.
This Research Report and the work it describes were funded by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Its contents, including any opinions and/or conclusions expressed, are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect HSE policy.