HSE RR1091
Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) inspection of long term mooring systems for floating offshore installations. Mooring integrity Joint Industry Project Phase 2
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Mooring Integrity for floating offshore installations is an important safety issue for the offshore oil and gas industry. This report is one outcome from Phase 2 of the Joint Industry Project on Mooring Integrity. This work ran from 2008 to 2012 and had 35 industry participants. It followed the Phase 1 work described in HSE Research Report RR444 (2006). The Phase 2 work compiled research on good practice and an overview is given in HSE Research Report RR1090 (2017).
This report covers guidelines for specifying, preparing and undertaking the underwater survey of the moorings of a Floating Production System (FPS). FPSs stay at a fixed position for a significant period of time without dry docking and are designed to withstand severe storm conditions. To ensure the continued integrity of the FPS mooring systems, inspection for any deterioration is important. To carry out these inspection surveys, operators generally rely on Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) or occasionally divers. The value of the inspections is dependent on: hardware factors such as ROV camera types; operational factors such as the allocated survey time; and human factors such as the ROV operational team’s depth of knowledge in mooring integrity issues. The report includes many examples and photographs from previous case histories to demonstrate the particular points of interest.
This Research Report and the work it describes were funded by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Its contents, including any opinions and/or conclusions expressed, are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect HSE policy.