Technical Note 03
Use of Ultimate Strength Techniques for Fire Resistant Design of Offshore Structures

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A structure subjected to a fire progressively loses its strength until the structure collapses and becomes unusable. Advanced numerical non-linear methods enable to perform ultimate strength analyses whereby progressive failure of members is predicted: this is termed progressive collapse analyses. The Interim Guidance Notes (IGN) refer to progressive collapse in Section 3.5. Since the publication of the IGN, a greater understanding in the field of progressive collapse has been developed. The objective of a progressive collapse analysis in relation to a fire event is to determine the failure or the time to failure of the structure.
This Technical Note has been prepared to focus on the subject of progressive collapse and supplements Sections 3.5, 4.4 and 4.6 of the IGN, and also Sections 3, 7 and 8 of Technical Note 1 describing the "Fire Resistant Design of Offshore Topside Structures". In order to provide guidance for selection and use of a suitable progressive collapse analysis system and progressive collapse modelling, this document introduces the basic theory behind progressive collapse and presents various methods for performing a progressive collapse analysis.
The document considers in turn the setting of performance standards to meet the present goal setting approach to safety on offshore installations, the thermal response of structures and components, the strength response of structures and components, combined effects and finally examples describing various approaches.
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