Technical Note 12
Vapour Cloud Development in Over-filling Incidents

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This FABIG Technical Note describes an assessment method for calculating the rate at which the volume of a vapour cloud increases during an overfilling incident. The assessment method also gives the concentration of hydrocarbons within the cloud and provides some guidance on the extent of cloud spread in relatively flat sites with the kind of obstructions that would be normal in and around a fuel depot tank farm.
The scope of the HSE VCA method (see HSE Research Report RR908) on which this Technical Note is based has been extended to allow vapour cloud assessment for a range of fuels and solvents that are commonly stored in large volumes. It also gives preliminary guidance on extending the assessment to low (non-zero) wind speeds and to calculate the rate at which a cloud may accumulate in the case of spray releases (e.g. flange failure or pipe rupture).
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