Newsletter Issue 014

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This FABIG Newsletter comprises the following:
- The UK Safety Case Assessment of Floating Production and Storage Installations
John L Millar - Health & Safety Executive and A D Moyse - The Institute of Marine Engineers - Risk Analysis for Semi-Submersible Drilling Units Operating in the North Sea
E G Brennan - Lloyds Register of Shipping - Hazard Analysis for Floating Production Storage & Offloading (FPSO) Installations
Dicen Sargent and Keith Greening - VECTRA Technologies - Fire and Explosion Aspects of Floaters
Peter M Wilson - Noble Denton Europe - Conversion of a Tanker to FSO
N Fraser - Global Maritime - The Mitigation of Gas Cloud Explosions by Waterspray
John Gregory - Mobil North Sea - Non-Linear Response of a Stiffened Plate Subjected to Blast Loading
S F Yasseri and D R Fowler - Brown & Root Energy Services - The Strong Vibration Working Group
Simon Thurlbeck and Simon Wong - EQE International - Human Factors in Offshore Operations
Steve Lewis and Maureen Jennings - EQE International - EPOXY PFP's - Can We Use Them?
Bill Allen - W & J Leigh & Co - Protecting Steel Structures Against Hydrocarbon Fire
David Sugden - W & J Leigh & Co - Engineering the Risk
Chris Selby - SCI
Non-member price: £75.00
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Published in: October 1995
Hazard Anlysis / Fire Engineering / FPSO Installations / Risk Anlysis
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