Newsletter Issue 032

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This FABIG Newsletter comprises the following:
- FABIG Technical Notes 6 & 7
Fadi Hamdan - SCI - Design of Passive Fire Protection
Sirous Yasseri - KBR - Design of Offshore Facilities to Resist Gas Explosion Hazards - Engineering Handbook
Jurek Czujko - CorrOcean - Inertia Limit of Vent Cover in Explosion Protection Systems
Vladimir Molkov and Alexander Grigorash - University of Ulster - On Water Sprays in Fire Protection Engineering
Siaka Dembele and Jennifer Wen - Kingston University - How Distribution in Human Problem Solving Imperils Systems
J Busby - University of Bath, J Strutt and J sharp - Cranfield University - Practical Approaches of Integrating Human Factors in Offshore Operations
Rodger Holdsworth - Risk, Reliability & Safety Engineering - Mechanical Properties of Glass Fibre Reinforced Composites at Elevated Temperatures
J M Davies and P M Currie - University of Manchester
Non-member price: £75.00
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Published in: May 2002
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