Newsletter Issue 056
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This FABIG Newsletter comprises the following:
- Update of the ‘Fire & Blast Technical Directory’ on FABIG website
Guillaume Vannier - SCI - Video recordings of Technical Meetings available on demand on FABIG website
Guillaume Vannier - SCI - Review of past FABIG Technical Meetings
Guillaume Vannier - SCI - An improved ray casting tool for flame detection analysis
Oliver Heynes - MMI Engineering (USA) - Explosion properties of nanopowders
Paul Holbrow - HSL - What does inherently safer mean?
D Hendershot and S Berger - CCPS, G Famini and G Emmett - US Department of Homeland Security - Modelling the response of UHPFRC panels to explosive loading
G Schleyer, S Barnett and S Millard - University of Liverpool, G Wight - VSL Australia Pty
Non-member price: £75.00
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Published in: January 2011
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