Newsletter Issue 060

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This FABIG Newsletter comprises the following:
- Review of Technical Meeting which covered "Best Practice in Fire and Explosion Modelling"
Guillaume Vannier - SCI - Review of Technical Meeting which covered "New Developments in Fire Resistant Materials"
Ed Yandzio - SCI - Robustness of Steel Framed Structures in Fire
Y. Wang - University of Manchester - Transient Pressure Loading of Clamped Plates with Holes
G. Schleyer and N. Underwood - University of Liverpool, H. M. Do - Korean Register, J. K. Paik and B. J. Kim - Pusan National University - Paradigm Change in Safety Design against Hydrocarbon Explosions and Fires
J. Czujko - Nowatec AS and J. K. Paik - Pusan National University
Non-member price: £75.00
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Published in: August 2012
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