Newsletter Issue 065

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This FABIG Newsletter comprises the following:
- Review of the UK Technical Meeting which covered "Structural Materials for Weight Saving on Offshore Topsides"
Guillaume Vannier - SCI - Structural Composite Fire & Blast Protection Enclosure for Reducing Equipment Skid Weight
Matthew Chalk and Luc Arnaud - Solent Composite Systems - Effect of Pool Fires on Offshore Platform Decks
Bassam Burgan - SCI and Euan Stoddart - MMI Engineering - Hydrogen Jet Fire Regimes in an Enclosure with Two Vents: Numerical Experiments
Volodymyr Shentsov and Vladimir Molkov - HySAFER, University of Ulster - Performance of UHPFRC Panels Subjected to High Pressure Loadin
Shaharudin Zaini and Graham Schleyer - University of Liverpool, Stephanie Barnett - University of Portsmouth and Nicholas Underwood - National Nuclear Laboratory - List of Documents Relevant to FABIG Published by HSE in the Past Two Years
Non-member price: £75.00
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Published in: January 2015
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