Newsletter Issue 077

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This FABIG Newsletter comprises the following:
- Editorial: 'Explosion and fire hazards associated with fracking sites'
R.W. Brewerton - Inoventech and S. Medonos - Petrellus Engineering - Review of the Technical Meeting which covered 'Review of Current Understanding of Large-scale Explosion Mechanisms'
G. Andrews1, M. Johnson2, G. Chamberlain3, E. Oran4, A. Pekalski5, S. Davis6, T. Skjold7,8, L. Mauri7, H. Hisken7, G. Atanga7,
M. Lucas7, D. Muthusamy7, K. van Wingerden7, P. Quillatre9, A. Foissac9, V. Blanchetiere9, A. Dutertre10, T. Marteau10,
D. Allason2, L. Jenney2, J. Hebrard11, D. Jamois11, E. Leprette11, G. Vannier12 - 1University of Leeds, 2DNV GL, 3Waverton Consultancy, 4Texas A&M University, 5Shell, 6Gexcon USA, 7Gexcon Norway, 8University of Bergen, 9GRTgaz, 10Total, 11Ineris, 12SCI - Review of the Technical Meeting which covered 'New Developments in Fire & Gas Detection'
E. Sizeland1, J. McNay1, O. Heynes2, S. Kanno3, K. Nitta3, P. Uv4, J. Dalheim4, F. Aoun5, S. Bachir5, F. Jafarov6 - 1Micropack (Engineering), 2Insight Numerics, 3JGC Corporation, 4Lloyd’s Register, 5Chevron, 6Kuwait Oil Company - Review of the Technical Meeting which covered 'Protection of Pressurised Systems against Fire and BLEVEs'
S. Medonos1, G.E. Scarponi2, I. Bradley3, G. Vannier4, D. Talbert5, J. Evans5, C. Milne6, M. Chalk7, A. Bond8 - 1Petrellus Engineering, 2University of Bologna, 3BAM, 4SCI, 5MMI Thornton Tomasetti, 6px Limited, 7Solent Composite Solutions (SCS), 8AEB Engineering - The importance of Deflagration to Detonation Transition (DDT) in explaining Vapour Cloud Explosions (VCEs)
M. Johnson - DNV GL - Managing explosion hazard from onshore fracking sites
R.W. Brewerton - Inoventech - Managing fire hazards from shale hydrocarbons sites
S. Medonos - Petrellus Engineering - Nuclear containment subjected to near field impact loading: A design safety project
T. Yarlagadda1, X. Huang2, T. Huang3, X. Zhuo3, Z. Li2, X. Huang1, A. Usmani1 - 1The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2Institute of Industry Technology Guangzhou & CAS, 3China Nuclear Power Engineering
Non-member price: £75.00
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Published in: April 2020
Explosion Mechanisms / Fire & Gas Detection / BLEVEs / DDT / Deflagration to Detonation Transition / Fracking / Shale Hydrocarbons / Nuclear Containment Design
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