Technical Meeting 005
Guidance, Codes and Regulations for the Design of Offshore Structures against Fire and Explosion
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Full proceedings of TM 005: Guidance, Codes and Regulations for the Design of Offshore Structures against Fire and Explosion
Framework of the International Activities in Guidance, Codes and Standards in the Field of Fire and Explosion Hazards
Speaker(s): Jurek Tolloczko and Sava Medonos
Organisation(s): Steel Construction Institute
Fire and Explosion Aspects of the UK PFEER Regulations
Speaker(s): John Clegg
Organisation(s): Health and Safety Executive
UKOOA Guidelines on Fire and Explosion Hazards Management
Speaker(s): Graham Dazell
Organisation(s): BP Exploration
Norwegian Petroleum Directorate’s Regulations on Fire and Explosion Hazards
Speaker(s): Einar Ravnaas
Organisation(s): Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
Standard on Technical Safety
Speaker(s): Jan Reier Huse
Organisation(s): Norsk Hydro
An Overview of Fire and Explosion Hazards as Addressed in the Forthcoming Version of the API Code
Speaker(s): Pat O’Connor
Organisation(s): AMOCO Production Company
Work of ISO/TC67/SC6/WG1 Related to Fire and Explosions
Speaker(s): Nigel Savage
Organisation(s): Shell UK Exploration and Production
Explosion Engineering Aspects of the ISO Offshore Standards
Speaker(s): Doug Angevine
Organisation(s): Mobil Research & Development
Fire Engineering Aspects of the ISO Offshore Standards
Speaker(s): Rupert Hunt
Organisation(s): Shell Oil Company
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Non-Members of FABIG are able to purchase the full meeting proceedings comprising all the presentation hand-outs or individual presentation hand-outs in PDF format. Non-members are also able to purchase access to online streaming of the video recordings of the presentations, either for the full set of presentations or for individual presentations.