Technical Meeting 011
Blast Resistant Design of Topside Structures
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Full proceedings of TM 011: Blast Resistant Design of Topside Structures
FABIG Technical Note No. 4: Explosion Resistant Design – Purpose and Content
Speaker(s): Bob Brewerton
Organisation(s): Natabelle
Review of Technical Note No.4
Speaker(s): David Ward-Gittos
Organisation(s): Brown & Root Energy Services
Blast Response – Dynamic Effects and Loads
Speaker(s): Steve Walker
Organisation(s): SLP Engineering
Response to Real Explosions and Simplified Methods for Membrane Effects
Speaker(s): Rob Harwood
Organisation(s): Shell UK Exploration and Production
Some Considerations in Design for Blast Resistance
Speaker(s): Brian Corr
Organisation(s): BP Exploration
Recent Research at City University into Blast Response of Offshore Topsides
Speaker(s): Luke Louca
Organisation(s): City University
Gas Explosion Engineering Joint Industry Project (GEEJIP)
Speaker(s): Jurek Czujko
Organisation(s): Offshore Design
Online purchase options:
Non-Members of FABIG are able to purchase the full meeting proceedings comprising all the presentation hand-outs or individual presentation hand-outs in PDF format. Non-members are also able to purchase access to online streaming of the video recordings of the presentations, either for the full set of presentations or for individual presentations.