Technical Meeting 045
Safety Implications of a Hydrogen Economy: Risk Assessment and Design Against Fires and Explosions
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Full proceedings of TM 045: Safety Implications of a Hydrogen Economy: Risk Assessment and Design Against Fires and Explosions
Hydrogen Modelling with FLACS: Validation, R & D Work Predicting DDT and Risk Assessments
Speaker(s): Olav Roald Hansen
Organisation(s): Gexcon
Risk Management Strategy for Hydrogen Economy Projects
Speaker(s): Gordon Newsholme
Organisation(s): Health and Safety Executive
Developing an Approach to Security Risk Management for Oilfield Installations
Speaker(s): James Phipps and Patrick Mann
Organisation(s): ABS Consulting
Study of Hydrogen Releases at Filling Stations
Speaker(s): Phil Cleaver, John Evans and Paul Cronin
Organisation(s): Advantica
Online purchase options:
Non-Members of FABIG are able to purchase the full meeting proceedings comprising all the presentation hand-outs or individual presentation hand-outs in PDF format. Non-members are also able to purchase access to online streaming of the video recordings of the presentations, either for the full set of presentations or for individual presentations.