Technical Meeting 058
The Buncefield Explosion Mechanism
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Full proceedings of TM 058: The Buncefield Explosion Mechanism
Opening session
Speaker(s): Dougal Drysdale and Patrick McDonald
Organisation(s): University of Edinburgh / Health and Safety Executive
Overpressure and directional indicators
Speaker(s): Vincent Tam
Organisation(s): BP
The deflagration hypothesis
Speaker(s): Jonathan Puttock
Organisation(s): Shell Global Solutions
The detonation hypothesis
Speaker(s): Mike Johnson
Organisation(s): Germanischer Lloyd
Previous VCE events and consideration of possible alternative mechanisms and aggravating factors
Speaker(s): Laurence Cusco
Organisation(s): Health and Safety Laboratory
Assessment of structural damage
Speaker(s): Ian Barnes
Organisation(s): Defence Ordnance Safety Group, MoD
Summary and outline proposals for further work
Speaker(s): Bassam Burgan
Organisation(s): Steel Construction Institute
Questions & answers session
Speaker(s): n/a
Organisation(s): n/a
Online purchase options:
Non-Members of FABIG are able to purchase the full meeting proceedings comprising all the presentation hand-outs or individual presentation hand-outs in PDF format. Non-members are also able to purchase access to online streaming of the video recordings of the presentations, either for the full set of presentations or for individual presentations.