Technical Meeting 073
Vapour Cloud Formation
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Full proceedings of TM 073: Vapour Cloud Formation
Formation of very large vapour clouds - Incidents and large scale experiments
Speaker(s): Graham Atkinson
Organisation(s): Health and Safety Laboratory
A new method for assessment of the consequences of liquid releases: FABIG Technical Note 12
Speaker(s): Simon Coldrick
Organisation(s): Health and Safety Laboratory
Dispersion based vapour cloud explosion analysis for facility siting
Speaker(s): David Quintero and Peter Smith
Organisation(s): BakerRisk
Vapour cloud formation in enclosed modules
Speaker(s): Joar Dalheim
Organisation(s): Scandpower
Optimisation of gas detector layout using CFD
Speaker(s): Lars Rogstadkjernet
Organisation(s): Gexcon
Hydrogen modelling in support of the Sellafield Silos Direct encapsulation Plant (SDP) design
Speaker(s): Kevin Malone
Organisation(s): MMI Engineering
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Non-Members of FABIG are able to purchase the full meeting proceedings comprising all the presentation hand-outs or individual presentation hand-outs in PDF format. Non-members are also able to purchase access to online streaming of the video recordings of the presentations, either for the full set of presentations or for individual presentations.