Webinar 030
Explosions & fire hazards from oil-insulated electrical components
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Speaker(s): Francesco Chillè
Organisation(s): FCSolutionS
Duration: 64 min
Short-circuiting and electric arc formation in transformers and other oil filled electrical equipment may lead to explosions and pool fires. In confined facilities, such as underground hydropower plants and urban substations, the consequences of such events may become severe if not properly considered and handled within the design process.
A proper description of the electric fault is needed as a starting point for the set up of a Transformer Explosion Risk Analysis, and a comprehensive electric fault scenario matrix describing the possible fault configurations shall be generated. Secondary explosion scenarios are then identified and described in terms of both frequency and consequence sides. CFD tools (such as FLACS) can be used for consequence analysis, providing detailed blast load predictions for each scenario and properly solving the consequence side. Uncertainties affecting the frequency side can be handled by means of sensitivity analyses including adequate parameter variation.
A probabilistic approach permits to increase reliability and accuracy of risk predictions, allowing for higher confidence in dimensioning blast loads, and providing robust and clear indications for decision making.
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