Webinar 031
Safety barriers for large-scale transport & storage of CO2 - Experience from the Northern Lights project
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Speaker(s): Sandra Nilsen
Organisation(s): Equinor
Duration: 48 min
The Northern Lights JV DA is developing an open and flexible infrastructure for the transport of CO2 from industrial emitters by ship to a terminal in western Norway for intermediate storage, before being transported by pipeline for permanent storage in a reservoir 2,600 meters under the seabed. The transport and storage facilities will offer safe and permanent underground storage to industries from across Europe. The project is the transport and storage component of Longship, the Norwegian Government’s full-scale carbon capture and storage project. Northern Lights will be the first ever cross-border, open-source CO2 transport and storage infrastructure network. Phase one of the project will be completed mid-2024 with a design capacity of 1.5 million tonnes of CO2 per year. The facilities will be operated by the Northern Lights JV, a Joint Venture owned by Equinor, Shell and TotalEnergies.
Risks are mainly related to large releases of cold pressurized liquefied CO2. CO2 is neither flammable nor explosive. This webinar focuses on the following subjects:
- Presentation of the Northern Lights project;
- CO2 hazards;
- Central safety authority regulations;
- Results from safety risk analysis onshore and offshore. Main focus will be on the onshore facilities;
- Safety barriers in design.
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