Newsletter Issue 072

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This FABIG Newsletter comprises the following:
- Editorial: 'Large fires can be hotter than normally considered'
R. Wighus - RISE Fire Research - Review of the Technical Meeting which covered "Leak Frequencies: Up or Down?
D. Mansfield - ESR Technology, B. Bain - DNV GL, G. Vannier - SCI, J.M. Nilsen & J. Wiklund - Lilleaker Consulting, A.O. Saebo - Lloyd's Register and I. Fossan - ComputIT - Review of the Technical Meeting which covered "New Developments For Design Against Cryogenic Releases"
B. Lequime, M. Rivot & S. Viale - TechnipFMC, N. Tripathi - Shell, J. Pujol - Lloyd's Register, Y. Ryu - SHI, J. Amdahl - NTNU and J. Wen - University of Warwick - Advances in Consequence Modelling for LNG Safety: Outcomes of the SafeLNG Project
J. Wen - University of Warwick - Numerical Predictions of Rollovers in LNG Storage Tanks using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
A. Hubert & S. Dembele - Kingston University and P. Denissenko & J. Wen - University of Warwick - CFD Methodology for Evaluation of Thermal Hazards from Cryogenic Hydrogen Jet Fires
D.M.C. Cirrone, D. Makarov & V. Molkov - Ulster University - Dynamic Load Analysis of Explosion in Inhomogeneous Hydrogen-Air
D. Bjerketvedt, K. Vaagsaether & K. Rai - University College of Southeast Norway - Categorisation of Blast and Fire Rated Doors
A.B. Groeneveld - Interdam
Non-member price: £75.00
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Published in: January 2018
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