Newsletter Issue 075
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This FABIG Newsletter comprises the following:
- Review of the Technical Meeting which covered ‘Fire Hazards in Enclosed Spaces / Compartments’
G. Vannier - SCI, R. Wighus - RISE Fire Research, J. Stewart - HSE, R.N. Kleiveland - DNV GL (formerly ComputIT), G. Ferrara & T. Bengherbia - DNV GL, V. Martin - HSE - A review of the Q9 equivalent cloud method for explosion modelling
J. Stewart & S. Gant - Health and Safety Executive - Comparative assessment of methods used to determine the effect of fire loads on the ultimate strength of offshore structures
J. Czujko - Nowatec, L. Brubak - DNV GL, G.S. Kim - HHI, K. Tabri - Tallinn University of Technology, W. Tang - Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Y. Yamada - National Institute of Maritime, Port, Aviation Technology (MPAT), Z.J. Czaban - Department of National Defence (Canada), D. Pearson - LR - Resistance of welded steel tubular joints at elevated temperatures
Y. Wang - University of Manchester, and E. Ozyurt - Gumushane University - Modelling Subsea Gas Releases
J.E. Olsen - SINTEF
Non-member price: £75.00
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Published in: March 2019
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