Newsletter Issue 070
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This FABIG Newsletter comprises the following:
- Review of the Technical Meeting which covered "Improving Safety by Integrating Lessons from Undesirable Events into Design and Operation"
G. Vannier - SCI - Review of the Technical Meeting which covered "New Insights into Risk Assessment"
G. Vannier - SCI, S. Gupta - IRESC, S. Howell - Abercus and I. Fossan - ComputIT - Optimisation of Site Layout and Process Design using QRA Techniques,
D. Roosendans, G. Woodward and P. Hoorelbeke - TOTAL - Development of a Model Evaluation Protocol for Hydrogen Applications
S. Coldrick - HSE - New Procedure for Non-linear Structural Response Analysis of Offshore Installations in Fire,
J.K. Paik1,3, J. Czujko2, J.H. Kim1, S.I. Park1, Md. Shafiqul Islam1,2 and D.H. Lee1 - 1Pusan National University, 2Nowatec E&C and 3University College London - Mitigation of Industrial Hazard Consequences by Water Spray Curtain: The CASIMIRE IV Code
J.M. Buchlin & T. Regert - von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, C. Daux - TOTAL and A. Foissac - ENGIE Lab CRIGEN - Numerical and Analytical Modelling of Localised Impact Load in RC Panels and Slabs
- N. Ulaeto and J. Sagaseta - University of Surrey
- Damage Mechanisms in Cementitious PFP on Structural Steel Members
S-W. Chen & G-Q. Li - Tongji University, L-M. Jiang - University of Edinburgh and A. Usmani - Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Detonation in Particulate Systems with Solid Particles and Liquid Droplets
K. Volkov - Kingston University
Non-member price: £75.00
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Published in: May 2017
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