Newsletter Issue 071
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This FABIG Newsletter comprises the following:
- Design Explosion Loads Specification for Safety Critical Systems
L. Paris & A. Dubois - TechnipFMC - New Procedure for Non-linear Structural Response Analysis of Offshore Installations subjected to Explosions
J.K. Paik1,2,3, J. Czujko4, S.J. Kim1,2 and J.C. Lee1,2 - 1Pusan National University, 2The Korea Ship and Offshore Research Institute (KOSORI), 3University College London and 4Nowatec E&C - Robustness of Steel Framed Structures in Fire: Effects of Joints and Methods of Improvement
Y.C. Wang - University of Manchester - Research on Design against Punching of Concrete Walls due to Blast Loading
J. Sagaseta - University of Surrey - Common Challenges in the Oil & Gas Safety Regulations in the MENA Region
F. Hamdan - Disaster Risk Management Centre (DRMC)
Non-member price: £75.00
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Published in: September 2017
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