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FABIG Technical Newsletters
Issue 090
- Editorial: International Process Safety Week: Statistics from 1st edition and what’s next
- Large-scale experimental research of VCEs – A summary from one viewpoint
- The development and testing of a low inertia, rapid acting explosion relief panel for hydrogen applications
- CFD…
Issue 089
- Editorial: Next 2-day Technical Meeting to be held on 23rd & 24th October
- Explosion venting, resistance and distancing for hydrogen and Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) facilities
- Flame acceleration, detonation limit and heat loss for hydrogen-oxygen mixture at…
Issue 088
- Editorial: FABIG to participate in International Process Safety Week (IPSW) in December 2024
- Consequences of the 2020 Beirut explosion
- Modelling the behaviour of LPG tanks exposed to partially engulfing pool fires
- Hydrogen jet diffusion modeling using physics-informed graph…
Issue 087
- Editorial
- Fire protection of lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles
- Minimum ignition energy of hydrogen-air mixtures at ambient and cryogenic temperatures
- A CFD analysis of liquefied gas vessel explosions
Issue 086
- Editorial
- Modelling blast wave clearing using Load_Blast_Clearing: Part 2 - Oblique clearing and TNT equivalence
- The challenges of transitioning to Fluorine Free Foam in a major energy company
- Simulation of a premixed explosion of gas vented during Li-ion battery failure
Issue 085
- Editorial
- Statistics, lessons learned and recommendations from analysis of HIAD 2.0 database
- EMBlast: A software for calculating blast loads on structures from the detonation of energetic materials
- Modelling blast wave clearing using Load_Blast_Clearing: Part I -…
Issue 084
- Editorial: '2-day FABIG Technical Meeting with live fire & explosion demonstrations to be held in April 2023'
- Risk management over the life cycle of lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles
- Numerical and experimental characterization of high energy density 21700…
Issue 083
- Editorial: 'Hydrogen: A key ingredient in the acceleration of the energy transition?'
- Vented shipping containers and barrier walls for hydrogen facilities
- Explosive phase transition in LH2
- A review of application of integral atmospheric jet dispersion model to flammable…
Issue 082
- Editorial: 'FABIG is planning a 2-day Technical Meeting in March 2022'
- Fire risk of transporting and storing massive Li-ion batteries
- Automated design for corrugated blast wall projects - On weight savings and a partitioning method for larger numbers of design cases
- Optical…
Issue 081
- Editorial: 'Communicating our understanding of hydrogen fire & explosion hazards is key'
- An innovative and comprehensive approach for the consequence analysis of liquid hydrogen vessel explosions
- A critical review of the equivalent stoichiometric cloud model Q9 in gas…
Issue 080
- Editorial: 'Energy-in-Transition industries: An opportunity to have inherently safer and low risk industries'
- Inherently safer design of projects: A tool to reduce major hazards accident risks during energy transition
- Numerical characterization of under-expanded cryogenic…
Issue 079
- Editorial: '30 Years of Fire and Blast Engineering: A Structural Engineer's Perspective'
- Modelling of masonry cavity cladding systems under blast loading
- Updates on fire resistance design of steel joints in EN 1993-1-2
- Blast wave time of arrival: A reliable metric to…
Issue 078
- Editorial: 'Reports from previous fire & explosion research projects now available on FABIG Website'
- Review of the Technical Meeting which covered 'Toxic Products: Management, Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness'
- Hazards and risks related to the use of hydrogen…
Issue 077
- Editorial: 'Explosion and fire hazards associated with fracking sites'
- Review of the Technical Meeting which covered 'Review of Current Understanding of Large-scale Explosion Mechanisms'
- Review of the Technical Meeting which covered 'New Developments in Fire & Gas…
Issue 076
- Editorial: 'Let's bring safety to the field'
- Review of the Technical Meeting which covered 'Developments in Fire & Explosion Engineering for a Hydrogen Economy'
- Review of the Technical Meeting which covered 'Fire & Explosion Hazards caused by Spray Releases'
- Summary…
Issue 075
- Review of the Technical Meeting which covered ‘Fire Hazards in Enclosed Spaces / Compartments’
- A review of the Q9 equivalent cloud method for explosion modelling
- Comparative assessment of methods used to determine the effect of fire loads on the ultimate strength of…
Issue 074
- Editorial: 'Probabilistic simulation is safer and faster'
- Review of the Technical Meeting which covered 'Managing Fire & Explosion Hazards in a Low Oil Price Environment'
- One-way versus two-way fluid-structure interaction analyses of offshore installations in fires…
Issue 073
- Editorial: 'Is the pursuit of theoretical modelling disrupting major accident risk management?'
- Review of the Technical Meeting which covered 'Testing of Products and Materials Subjected to Fires & Explosions'
- Behaviour of intumescent coatings under different fire…
Issue 072
- Editorial: 'Large fires can be hotter than normally considered'
- Review of the Technical Meeting which covered "Leak Frequencies: Up or Down?"
- Review of the Technical Meeting which covered "New Developments For Design Against Cryogenic Releases"
- Advances in Consequence…
Issue 071
- Design Explosion Loads Specification for Safety Critical Systems
- New Procedure for Non-linear Structural Response Analysis of Offshore Installations subjected to Explosions
- Robustness of Steel Framed Structures in Fire: Effects of Joints and Methods of Improvement
- Research…
Issue 070
- Review of the Technical Meeting which covered "Improving Safety by Integrating Lessons from Undesirable Events into Design and Operation"
- Review of the Technical Meeting which covered "New Insights into Risk Assessment"
- Optimisation of Site Layout and Process Design using…
Issue 069
- Reviews of the UK Technical Meetings which covered "Developments in Fire Loading and Relevant Standards" and "Lessons Learnt from Recent Accidents"
- Large Eddy Simulation of a Mechanically Ventilated Compartment Fire
- ISO Jet Fire Standard ISO 22899-1:2007 & ISO/TR 22899…
Issue 068
- Review of the UK Technical Meetings which covered "Sources and Likelihood of Ignition Mechanisms" and "New Developments in Explosion Control and Mitigation"
- The Method and Benefits of Risk-based Fire and Gas Detection Mapping
- Four Generations of Fire and Blast Resistant…
Issue 067
- Review of the UK Technical Meeting which covered "Subsea Hydrocarbon Release Hazards"
- Societal Risk Criteria for Industrial Activities
- Characterization of Deluge Spray with Image Processing
- Blast Pressure Distribution around Large Storage Tanks
- Probabilistic Scenario Based…
Issue 066
- Review of the UK Technical Meeting which covered "Floating Liquefied Natural Gas (FLNG)"
- Analysis of an ISO Container Subjected to Blast Loading from Vapour Cloud Detonations
- Ignition of Explosive Mixtures via Particles Heated by Electromagnetic Radiation
- MDOF Procedure for…
Issue 065
- Review of the UK Technical Meeting which covered "Structural Materials for Weight Saving on Offshore Topsides"
- Structural Composite Fire & Blast Protection Enclosure for Reducing Equipment Skid Weight
- Effect of Pool Fires on Offshore Platform Decks
- Hydrogen Jet Fire…
Issue 064
- Review of the UK Technical Meeting which covered "Managing Hazards in Extreme Operating Conditions"
- Review of the UK Technical Meeting which covered "Determination and Specification of Explosion Loads"
- Large Vapour Clouds - Dispersion and Explosion Characteristics
- Blast…
Issue 063
- Review of the Korean Technical Meeting which covered "Explosion & Fire Risk Control in Various Industries"
- Review of the Korean Technical Meeting which covered "Fires and Explosions in Petrochemical Plants"
- Review of the UK Technical Meeting which covered "Risk…
Issue 062
- The Importance of Experimental Research in the Understanding of Gas Explosions
- Advances in Explosion Modelling
- Experimental Research on Fire Loading and its Implications Today
- Adoption of Risk Based Assessment Methods for Fires and Explosions in Design
- Advances in Structural…
Issue 061
- Review of Technical Meeting which covered "Update on Fire & Explosion Guidance, Standards & Regulations"
- Review of Technical Meeting which covered "Carbon Capture & Storage - The Safety Issues"
- Review of Technical Meeting which covered "Vapour Cloud Formation"…
Issue 060
- Review of Technical Meeting which covered "Best Practice in Fire and Explosion Modelling"
- Review of Technical Meeting which covered "New Developments in Fire Resistant Materials"
- Robustness of Steel Framed Structures in Fire
- Transient Pressure Loading of Clamped Plates with…
Issue 059
- Review of Technical Meeting which covered 'Reassessment and Upgrade of Existing Facilities'
- Goal Setting Approach for Blast Resistant Design
- The Nomogram for Axial Concentration Decay in Hydrogen Momentum-Controlled Jets
- Improved Estimation of Failure Frequencies for…
Issue 058
- Review of Past Technical Meetings which covered ‘Liquefied Natural Gas’, ‘Design for Extreme Events’ and ‘Update on Recent Events and Related Research’
- Explosion & Fire Engineering of FPSOs (EFEF JIP): Definition of Design Fire Loads
- Specifying Intumescent Coatings for…
Issue 057
- Review of Technical Meeting covering ‘Complex Release Scenarios’
- Leak frequency modelling for offshore QRA based on the hydrocarbon release database
- Concentration decay in Hydrogen non-reacting momentum-controlled jets
- Strain based acceptance criteria for blast resistant…
Issue 056
- Update of the ‘Fire & Blast Technical Directory’ on FABIG website
- Video recordings of Technical Meetings available on demand on FABIG website
- Review of past FABIG Technical Meetings
- An improved ray casting tool for flame detection analysis
- What does inherently safer mean…
Issue 055
- Revision to FABIG Technical Note 11
- Review of FABIG Technical Meeting on ‘Managing Low Probability High Consequence Events’
- A Methodology for the Assessment of Gas Detector Configurations in Offshore Intake Ducts
- Dispersion of Accidental Release of H2S on a Gas production…
Issue 054
- Review of FABIG Technical Meeting on ‘Learning from the Nuclear Industry’
- Summary of findings of the FABIG Members’ survey
- The Buncefield Explosion Mechanism Phase 1 and proposal for Phase 2
- Domino Effect Analysis of Process Equipments Using Fragility Curves
- Recommendations…
Issue 053
- Review of FABIG Technical Meeting on ‘Design of Structures against Hydrocarbon Fires’
- Why ISO 13702 and NFPA 15 standards may lead to unsafe design
- A CFD model for the backdraught phenomenon and its application to inform venting and firefighting strategies at basement…
Issue 052
- Review of FABIG Technical Meeting on ‘Design and Siting of Process Plant Buildings’
- Time Dependency of Accidents and Response in Petrochemical Plants
- Design Against Malevolent Acts: The Case of Underwater Explosions
- Safety Concerns Related to the Introduction of Biofuels
Issue 051
- Hydrogen Safety Activities at the University of Ulster
- Spontaneous Ignition of Hydrogen in Accidental Releases of High Pressure Hydrogen - A Possible Mechanism: Diffusion Ignition
- Portable Buildings within Processing Plants
Issue 050
- Members of the FABIG Steering Committee for 2008-2009
- Improvements to the FABIG website
- A Methodology for Fire Hazard Assessment
- Internal Explosive Loading of Steel Pipes
- American Society of Safety Engineers – Middle East Chapter (ASSE-MEC) Conference in Bahrain addresses…
Issue 049
- Launch of a ‘Fire & Blast Technical Directory’ on FABIG Website
- The Modern Approach to Offshore Safety Management
- A Critical Review of Probabilistic Explosion Risk Assessment
- Hydrocarbon Jet Fire Hazards in the Oil and Gas Industry
- Hydrocarbon Fires - Large Scale…
Issue 048
- Development of an Ignition Probability Model for the Oil & Gas Industry
- Failure Probability Of Process Equipment Subjected To Vapour Cloud Explosions
- Assessment of mathematical models for the prediction of smoke ingress & movement in offshore installations
Issue 047
- Disseminating the Lessons Learnt from Recent Onshore and Offshore Accidents
- Lessons from Texas City: A Case History
- Full Scale Explosion tests on Explosion Relief Panels
- Uncertainty Analysis of QRA
Issue 046
- FABIG Seeks Contribution to Fire & Blast Technical Directory
- FABIG Launches a New Products & Services Directory
- Designing of Electronic Assembly to Resist Explosion-induced Vibration (Part II)
- Response Spectra for Explosion Resistant Design and Assessment
Issue 045
- Design of Electronic Assemblies to Resist Explosion - Induced Vibration (Part 1)
- Understanding and Responding to Security Risk for Oilfield Installation
- Hazard and Safety Management Training Needs in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region
- Predicting Glazing…
Issue 044
- A Probabilistic Procedure for Design of Process Areas Against Fires
- Research Needs for Prevention and Mitigation of Major Fire Hazards Relating to Onshore Plant
- Research Needs for Major Hazards Relating to Onshore Plant - Gas Explosions
- Achieving ALARP in Topside Blast…
Issue 043
- Summary Report from FABIG Steering Committee Meeting
- An Example of the Use of Crushable Struts in Blast-Resistant Design
- Bayesian Decision Analysis for Optimal Upgrading of Offshore Installations
- Stainless Steel Blast and Fire Resistant Structures
Issue 042
- The Inevitability if Ignition
- ISO - Damage Diagrams for Blast Resistant Design
- FABIG Technical Note 8: Protection of Piping Systems Subjected to Fires and Explosions
- Modelling of Steel Blast Panels
- Satel - Structural Analysis Tool for Explosion Loading
Issue 041
- Static Resistance of Stiffened Plates Subjected to Explosions
- Practical Fire Safe Design of Equipment Supports: Determining the Need for PFP
- Kameleon Fireex - An Advance Computational System for Calculation of Fire Structure Interaction
- A Summary of Fire and Blast Issues…
Issue 040
- Response to Comments on FABIG Article R505 - 'Exceedence Curves and the Definition of Load Cases for Explosion Assessment'
- Understanding Risk Through Bayesian Updating
- Design and Analysis of Stainless Steel Profiled Blast Barriers
Issue 039
- The Concept of Safety Barriers and their Optimal Design
- Combining Structural and Safety Perspectives in Fire Hazard Assessments
- Explosion Risk Assessment - General Approach
- Pipes Exposed to Medium Sized Jet Fires - Rupture Conditions and Models for Predicting Time to…
Issue 038
- Practical Blast Resistant Design of Plates
- Exceedance Curves and the Definition of Load Cases for Explosion Assessment
- Resistance to Accidental and Very Extreme Explosions
- Simplified Assessment of Steel Framed Structures Subject to Blast Followed by Fire
Issue 037
- FABIG Technical Meetings Review
- A Recurrence Law for Explosion Overpressure
- Some Thoughts on Article R495
- The Use of Bow-Ties and Thesis in the Control of Major Accident Hazards
- Under-Ventilated Compartment Fires - Introduction of the EC Funded Firenet Project
Issue 036
- Performance-Based Fire Resistant Design
- Water Deluge and Influence on Dispersion
- Scale Testing of Profiled Stainless Steel Blast Walls
- Jet Effect in Vented Explosions
Issue 035
- A Practical Approach to Fire Hazard Analysis for Offshore Structures
- Reassessment of Gas Explosion Hazard on Offshore Facilities
- Performance Based Blast Resistant Designs
- Revised Norsok Standard N-004 on Accidental Explosions
- Developments of the Test to Determine the…
Issue 034
- FABIG Technical Meeting Review
- ERA Conference 2002
- Probabilistic Cost-Benefit Analysis For Blast Design
- Explosion Risks in Large and Wide Spread Process Areas and Loads on Intermediate Sized Equipment
- Proposed API Guidance on Fire and Blast
- Probabilistic Analysis of Gas…
Issue 033
- Response of Secondary Systems to Explosion
- Guidelines for Protection of Pressurised Systems Exposed to Fire
- Determination of the Resistance to Jet Fires of Passive Fire Protection Materials
- Fire & Blast Considerations in the Future Design of Offshore Facilities - June…
Issue 032
- FABIG Technical Notes 6 & 7
- Design of Passive Fire Protection
- Design of Offshore Facilities to Resist Gas Explosion Hazards - Engineering Handbook
- Inertia Limit of Vent Cover in Explosion Protection Systems
- On Water Sprays in Fire Protection Engineering
- How Distribution…
Issue 031
- FABIG Technical Note 7: Simplified Methods for Response Analysis to Dynamic Loading
- An Approximate Method for Blast Resistant Design
- Design of Offshore Facilities to Resist Gas Explosion Hazard - Engineering Handbook
- Use of Safety Barrier Diagrams in Offshore QRA in Denmark
Issue 030
- A Workbook Approach to Estimating the Flammable Volume Produced by a Gas Release
- Risk-Based Design of Passive Fire Protection
- Safety Management Offshore: A Systematic Approach
- New Guidelines on Pressure Relief
Issue 029
- FABIG Goes West
- A Workbook Approach to Estimating the Flammable Volume Produced by a Gas Release
- Water Containers are Demonstrated to have Passive Gas Explosion Suppression Capability
- Guidance for Analysis and Design of Profiled Blast Barriers
- Blast Response of Steel…
Issue 028
- Engineering and Human Factors Go Hand-In-Hand
- Revised Fire and Explosion Guidance
- 10th ERA Conference November 2001
- Sadie Initiative
- Integrity and Structural Response of Piping
- Developments in Fire Engineering
- Developments in Gas Explosion Safety in The 1990's in Norway…
Issue 027
- Pulse Pressure Testing of ¼ Scale Stainless Steel Blast Walls and Blast Wall Connections
- Error in the Design of Hazardous Plant
- Explosion Safety Engineering: Design of Venting Areas for Enclosures at Atmospheric and Elevated Initial Pressures
- Safer Design - An Attitude
Issue 026
- Response of Process Vessels and Equipments to Fire Attack
- CFD Modelling of the Confined Jet Fire Tests in the Phase 2 Project
- Modelling the Response of Steel Panels to Explosions
- A New Approach in Fixed Gas Leak Detection - The Ultrasonic Acoustic Sensor
- Barrier Method: An…
Issue 025
- Foamspex Project
- Some Further Simulations of the Compartment Fires in the Phase 2 Project
- Gas Explosions in Offshore Modules Following Realistic Releases Phase 3B
- Managing Fire Hazards on Offshore Installations
- Elevated Temperature and Strain Rate Material Properties of…
Issue 024
- Marine Fire Protection
- Explosion Design For FPSO's
- A Systemic Approach To Offshore Fire Safety Management
- Received Loading Test Cases
- Blast Loading Of Scaled Structural Members
- Updating Explosion And Fire Design Guidance
Issue 023
- FLACS Stimulations Of Test 23 Of The BFETS Campaign - Loading On Stiffened Panels
- Phase 2 Unconfined Horizontal Jet Fire Test: Why Was Phase Off?
- Comments On The Model Evaluation For Compartment Fires In The Phase 2 Project
- How Advanced Are The Blast Wall Response Analyses…
Issue 022
- Research On Health And Safety - The HSE Perspective
- The Contribution Of Research And Development to a Step Change in Safety
- New Knowledge, New Changes?
- Blast And Fire Engineering Project - Phase 1
- The Interim Guidance Notes
- Scope And Objectives Of Phase 2
- Unconfined Fire Test…
Issue 021
- How Advanced Are The Blast Wall Response Analyses For The Offshore Industry
- DINGESS - A Proposed Joint Industry Project
- Offshore Explosion Research
- Phase 2 - Structural Testing
Issue 020
- Rules For The Determination Of Coat-Back Requirements
- A Model For Predicting The Hazards From Large Scale Compartment Jet Fires
- Announcement Of A New Pulse Pressure Loading Facility
- Integrated Risk Assessment Package For Offshore Installations
Issue 019
- Maximising The Resistance of Topside Structures Against Blast Loads
- Offshore Explosion Research - The Next Phase
- Emergency Evacuation Trials
- Vectra - New Licensing Agent For Chaos
- Schiehallion Escape Tunnel
- FLACS Commercial Launch
- Seminar on Results of "Gas Safety Programme 93…
Issue 018
- Failure of Corrugated Firewalls Subjected to Hydrocarbon Explosions
- Offshore Fires & Explosions "The Industry Goes Full Scale"
- Explosion Model Evaluation Project (EME)
- Safety First For Gas Turbine Enclosures
Issue 017
- The Development of Technical Guidance
- Aspects of High Integrity Protection Systems (HIPS) In Hazard Management on Offshore Installations
- Emergency Evacuation - A New Joint Industry Project
- BRAE Risk Reduction Project - A Practical Approach To QRA
- New Technical Note on…
Issue 016
- Sensitivity Study on Structural Aspects of Fire & Blast (Phase 1)
- Effectiveness of Water Deluge in Mitigation Fires
- Rules For The Determination of Coatback Requirements
- Assessment of Blast Resistance of Offshore Topside Structures
- Hazards Posed By Releases of Pressurised…
Issue 015
- Engineering Relations For Water Mist Fire Suppression Systems
- Retrofitting of Blast Walls for Offshore Structures
- Development of a Performance Standard Approach to Passive Fire Protection Design
- Drop Down Fire Barrier: Innovative Engineering on BP Exploration Clyde Platform
Issue 014
- The UK Safety Case Assessment of Floating Production and Storage Installations
- Risk Analysis for Semi-Submersible Drilling Units Operating in the North Sea
- Hazard Analysis for Floating Production Storage & Offloading (FPSO) Installations
- Fire and Explosion Aspects of…
Issue 013
- New UKCS Regulations
- Strength Assessment of Topside Structures Subjected to Fire
- Integrated Fire Analysis
- Gas Explosion Engineering Joint Industry Project (GEEJIP)
- Microtherm HRB Fire Protection Panels
- Offshore Safety Cases – HSE Experiences
- What is Reasonably Practicable?…
Issue 012
- System Based Performance Standards Approach
- Human Factors – Reactions to Emergencies
- Failure Penalty Modelling for Ultimate Strength
- Gas Explosion Engineering Joint Industry Project (GEEJIP)
- Development of Ignition Hazard Model
- Integrated System for Analysis of Resistance of…
Issue 011
- Approach to the USA Balancing Prescriptive Requirements & Operator
- A New Look at Blast Wall Capacities
- Fire & Blast Analysis: Concerns for FPSOs
- Crude Oil Fire Deluge Tests
- Jet Fires Impacting on Flat Surfaces
- Phase 2 Update
- Hazards XII
Issue 010
- European Communities, Directorate-General XII Evaluation of Models Gas Explosions (MEGGE)
- ISO - Offshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries - Offshore Structures
- Designing for Ill-Defined Accidental Loads?
- Are HRD Systems worth a closer look?
- HRD Explosion Mitigation
- EC…
Issue 009
- The Importance of Consistent Data
- Norwegian Safety Initiative
- Explosion & Fire Design Guidance
- Structural Response to Gas Explosions: Control of Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis
- Is Explosion Response Analysis That Simple?
- A Rational Approach to Fire Consequence…
Issue 008
- Membrane Type Blast Walls
- Results of the Merge Project
- Offshore Firefighting Onshore
- Water Mist Fire Suppression
- More Leaks Equals Greater Safety??
- To Extinguish or not to Extinguish
Issue 007
- Design Management Guidelines for Explosion and Fire Engineering
- An Update on Field Modelling of Pool Fires
- The Fire Resistance of Aluminium
- Shell - Jet & Pool Fire Tests
- Fires on the Sea Surface
- ERA Conferences - Offshore Structural Design against Extreme Loads
- Offshore…
Issue 006
- Alternative Materials: Fire & Blast Response
- Alternative Materials: Design Guides
- Article R74 - ERRATA
- Blast Wall Specifications
- Phase 2 Update
- Kuwait Scientific Mission
- UKELG Meeting
- Interflam ‘93
- Impact and Explosion - Analysis and Design
- The Droplet Size Debate…
- Large Scale…
Issue 005
- OSH-Offshore
- Sprinklers Versus Deluge
- Is Passive Fire Protection Data Adequate?
- Determining The Response of Protected Steel to Fire Loading
- New Findings on the Effectiveness of Relief Panels and Louvre Panels
- Offshore Loss Prevention: A Systematic Approach - Conference Review
Issue 004
- Three Views of QRA
- Interim Guidance Notes ERRATA
- How Useful are Fire Models?
- Response Analysis of Topside Structures
- Validated Computer-Based Fire Modelling
- Steel & Composite Beams Exposed to Fire
- Phase 2 Update
- Materials and Design Against Fire
- The Value of Automatic…
Issue 003
- Assessment of structures subject to fire
- The Benefits of QRA
- Revision to Offshore Safety Case Regulations
- Passive or Active Fire Protection?
- Fire Testing for Offshore Structures
- FRS Request for Comment
- Should Contingency Factors be used for Blast Design of Topside Structures…
Issue 002
- SDOF Elasto-Plastic Analysis
- A Few Thoughts on QRA
- Penetrations Through Fire & Blast Walls
- Offshore Application of FRP
- Phase II Update
- HTC-32 Fire Protection Material
- Safety Awareness Syllabus, Darlene Torey - Hazards Forum
- Book Review "Structural Dynamics for the…
Issue 001
- Draft Offshore Installations (Safety Case) Regulations 199-
- Interim Guidance Notes - Errata
- Intumescents - Their Use Offshore
- Louvre Systems
- The Merge Project
- Solvex
- Blast & Fire joint industry project-phase II update
- Hazards Forum Discussion, 11/3/92 - (see R13)
- Offshore…